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Maurice Spillane

Our CEO, Maurice Spillane, was born in Ireland and has lived for the past twenty-five years in England. He is a qualified accountant (FCCA) and application designer

Maurice Spillane is well travelled, having worked in Zambia, USA, Germany, Ireland and England.

In 1980 Maurice started his first software company which specialised in Production applications for pharmaceutical and process companies, and Finance applications for multinationals. The company grew to 160 staff with offices in Europe and USA. He won several business awards over the years including the American Express Marketing award and he features in John Stern’s book “Adventures in Code,” a history of the Irish software industry.

The company was sold to MSA/D&B. He worked in Atlanta for several years as VP with responsibility for international sales. In 1993, he moved to England to start a new business and got his first patent for automated code generation.

In 2006 he was one of three experts who created the current generation of DNA Matching using Big Data for the Forensic Science sector, a product that is now used in most countries including US Homeland Security. His second patent was for processing Big Data.

In recent years Maurice has focused on mentoring entrepreneurs. He is CEO of Bodhi Watch Ltd.